Index | विधि विभाग


विभाग के बारे में

It is one of the newest departments in the University established in the year, 2012. The department aims at the advancement of learning, teaching & diffusion of knowledge in the field of law. It caters to the needs of the society by developing professional skills of persons intending to make a career in advocacy, judicial service, law officer & legislative drafting as their profession. The objectives of the department are to evolve & impart comprehensive legal education at all levels to achieve excellence. Department offers two 5 year integrated programs, the BA LLB & the B.Com LLB courses. There are 10 semesters spread over 5 years with two semesters per year. There are compulsory core subjects, Language subjects, compulsory law subjects & optional law Subjects. The department has faculty comprising of highly qualified, well trained & committed scholars. The department is having its own furnished and equipped library with all the necessities. Departmental library is having AIR From 1924 - 2012, AIR Manual-Civil/Criminal -2004-Vol 1-Vol 25 6th Edition, Chhattisgarh Law Judgment from 2001-2010, Corporate law Advisor, Chhattisgarh state & central law times from 2004-till date, Indian bar Review, Labour & Industrial Cases from 2004 till date, M.P High court today from 2000-till date, The M.P. Law times from 1960-till date, Supreme Court Cases from 1960-till date.

Programe outcomes, programe specific outcomes and course outcomes

BCI Approval

Minutes of Meeting-11.07.2018

Moot Court Room :

 As answers to the questions on equality, fairness & justice are always difficult, the study of law integrates a regular exercise of mooting on such questions. To facilitate this regular exercise, the Department of Law in its campus has established a fully furnished Moot Court Room which has been functional since 2012. Moot Court Room works as a laboratory to encourage the skill of advocacy and legal research. In furtherance of this objective the department regularly conducts Moot Court Competitions and thus provides the students a court like environment which proves helpful to them in order to learn and inculcate in themselves the skill related to legal profession. It is because of such regular attempts and underlying trainings & learning that the students of GGV are managing to achieve glory and honours in various Moot Court Competitions held in various place in India.

. Moot Court Society

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5th Intra Moot Court Competition - 16-17 Sept. 2019    5th Intra Moot Court Competition - 16-17 Sept. 2019